Pierce CPTSVision
A community that welcomes the talents and contributions of all members, including those returning to us after incarceration
Mission To promote the successful reintegration of individuals into the community after incarceration. StrategyWe accomplish our mission through purpose-driven community partnerships that provide holistic, comprehensive services in support of these individuals as they build self-sufficient and productive lives. MeetingsHybrid Meetings, First Fridays at 10am-11:30am In-Person at 2121 S. State St, Suite 300 Pine Room Tacoma, WA 98405 Meeting ID 298 094 989 914 Passcode: DW7rqR Dial in (audio only) +1 564-999-2000, Conference ID: 487 984 177# Note: those on our e-mail distribution list are notified of occasional time or location changes; if you are not yet on the list, contact us to confirm details of our next meeting. Agendas
Facilitators:Garrett Landram Grady Mitchell Jessica Means Kim Beckham Kimberly Mays Nanette Borders Steve McDannel
Outreach Coordinator:DeeAnn Harris
Partner Directory Partner Assist Each month we collect donations of books or socks or toiletries (whatever) that go to one of our CPTS partners working with formerly incarcerated people or their families. If you have supplies to donate but can't attend the meeting, arrangements can be made for dropping off donations by contacting New Connections at info@nctacoma.org. You may also contact the agencies directly to make donations.