King County Community Partnership for Transition Solutions
proudly presents:
 The Way Forward
August 17 & 18, 2022
South Seattle College
Brockey Center
6000 16th Ave. SW 
Seattle, WA


Together Again

2022 Summer Institute

The King County Community Partnership for Transition Solutions (KCCPTS) in partnership with South Seattle College welcomes you to the 13th annual Summer Institute. This is an opportunity for reentry service providers, educators, faith‐based and community organizations, Tribal Nations, and individuals affected by incarceration to network, share expertise, identify and refine best practices, and foster sustainable partnerships.

The theme of this year’s conference is The Way Forward, symbolized by the rose as drawn by Michael Florez. We had contributions from several artists and although they were not chosen, their artwork is incorporated in this event in honor of their journey.

The goal of this event is to strengthen the relationships among agencies, families, advocates, and individuals in preparation for productive and successful reentry. We recognize reentry is a process best sustained through collaborative partnerships, meaningful contacts, and dedicated individuals. The Summer Institute will again feature our rich community and human resources, highlighting interagency collaborations, realigning of existing resources, and cross‐county partnerships.

Thank you for all that you do and be sure to network with other community agencies, learn about best practices, and renew/foster sustainable partnerships that are responsive to the ever‐changing climate for individuals and families of our incarcerated, transition, and reentry population.